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SP500 Update: A Celebration of the Bear Market's End


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2 comentarios

Thanks Vincent:

I am new to you platform and I do not see on the chart. It is pilot error. Help what I am looking wrong:

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15 jun 2023

thanks VIncent for a comprehensive post. this may be a bull market of short squeezes rather than fundamentals! but so be it. Appreciate if you can give your views on the few points below. Some of these relate to NDX/QQQ, hence if you feel more appropriate, please share them at IO Fund rather than here:

  1. is the exit from bear market simply based on 21% threshold or there are other indicators in your signals also confirming the same. The reason i ask is because every personal on earth is shoting bear market over as SPX crossed a certain threshold - this could simply be a fooling trick by the money managers or caused due to the upcoming opex.

  2. Is QQQ…

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