Yesterday, we had one of the biggest intraday spikes of volatility we have seen in the history of the VIX. In fact, here is the VIX distribution since 2003 (not the beginning of the VIX, but intraday data on the VIX started in Sept 2003).
VIX Outlier Data and What It Means for the Market
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Where is the data for "Â NYSE and Nasdaq Derivative volume indicator" coming from?
My Hedge Signal - Risk Dataset does not show the red bar triggering yet. Any idea why or how to refresh?
If I combine Japan, the previously strong USD and the chinese Yuan (remember, Yellen's trip to China), then I assume that a new business cycle is currently emerging, in which a reset of the leveraged system is first carried out. This usually leads to an 18%-24% crash (on Nasdaq 100) until an actual bottom is found. The key event will probably be the 18 of September 2024. Similar situations were in Jan-Feb 2016 and in autumn 2018.
Vincent, great stuff here! thanks! it is somewhat uncharted territory. this analysis gives a frame of reference for start of a new uptrend but if all is well we might just look back on this as some good ol' august volatility (with some added spice!). :) i admit to kicking myself for not adhering to my sense (informed by some light analysis of seasonal tendencies) that 2nd half of Jul through Aug would be bumpy and I should trim my exposure and re enter in Sep... but it is what it is. Had I done so, it might have lined up perfectly with the low end of that frame of reference (39 days). ha!
I'm not sure exact conditions in…
Thank you! In the past you provided phase angle values for SPY and QQQ that would statistically show potentially good trades. If you were doing the same exercise for SMH have any values in mind. That you could share?